Thursday, December 16, 2010

Bitches Unite!

Ok my friends, the time has come for your turn to bitch! I am opening up the Bitchography for you!

What does this mean?

In simple terms, I want you to be a guest blogger on the website! I am sure we all have things that we'd like to bitch and moan about and what better place than the Bitchograhy?! So, send me your stories! Write up a post and I will do my best to get it up! Also open would be the Q&A section of the blog where you can ask me a question in regards to certain bitchin' situations... like how to deal with a meddling mother-in-law, a work-aholic husband or a tantruming ten year old!

Send all posts and questions to Please include if you would like to remain anonymous or if you'd like your name to be signed off on at the end.

I look forward to hearing your stories! I have shared just the tip of the ice burg of mine so lets hear yours!!



Alittlesprite said...

I'll have to think about what I want to bitch!

Ruth said...

argh! I was ready for a good bitch the other day, and now I can't remember it at all! Damm...I'll think of it....possibly..... :P